Most people are unaware that USCIS regularly holds “open houses” as well as information sessions for the general public. Considering that the N-400, Application for Naturalization, is the most searched form on, people might be interested in knowing that there is a free information session coming up this month at the Trenton Public Library on May 25 from 1 to 3pm. There is also another one coming up June 9 in Elizabeth according to USCIS. The fact that the government is hosting information sessions on citizenship eligibility underscores the importance and significance of having American citizenship in our society. The privileges and rights that accompany citizenship are invaluable, including the right to vote, the right to travel outside of the country without being restricted, as well as the right to file for relatives. Most permanent residents desiring citizenship will have to apply for “naturalization”; other people may already be United States citizens by derivation or by acquisition. The acquisition laws can be especially confusing, with different laws applying to different time periods. However, anyone born abroad to one or both US citizen parent(s) might want to investigate whether he/she may already be a citizen. I remember one instance in which the government tried to deport a young man for a crime which he was pressured to plead guilty to, despite his innocence. Luckily enough, that man was able to able to terminate the court proceedings by proving that he had acquired US citizenship abroad at birth and was therefore not deportable.Our practice places a heavy emphasis on citizenship and naturalization applications. We not only file the petitions but also provide legal representation during the N-400 interviews in Newark and Mount Laurel, New Jersey. For more information on how our office can assist you, please call us at 732-516-0049 or visit our website at for more information.
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