This past Tuesday, one of the most respected immigration lawyers in New Jersey was sworn in as a Superior Court Judge in Passaic County. Sohail Mohammed–now, The Honorable Sohail Mohammed–was administered the oath of office in the very same courtroom where he appeared for jury duty many years ago. Judge Mohammed is now the first Indian-American judge in the State of New Jersey. What an inspiring success story and illustration of the American Dream. Judge Mohammed immigrated to America from India at the age of 17, and actually held a full-time job while attending Seton Hall Law School at night, after a jury duty experience sparked a fire for the law. He subsequently graduated, opened up his law practice in Clifton, and handled a variety of cases before becoming recognized as an immigration lawyer after 9/11. Although the immigration bar has now lost one of its most sapient practitioners, the State of New Jersey has a whole lot to gain with such a tremendous talent on the Bench.
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