There is an abundance of information out there on the internet. One can virtually learn about anything one desires on practically any subject. However, not everything you read out there is accurate or reliable. Here are some great sites that I personally consider excellent resources for trustworthy and current information on immigration topics and developments:
For Immigration News and Commentary:
AILA. ( This is a paid site for immigration attorneys but perhaps the most comprehensive in terms of organization, analysis, and current developments.
American Immigration Council. (
Lexis-nexis Immigration Blog (
Contains excerpts from the respected Bender’s Immigration Bulletin. Dan Kowalski, an expert of criminal immigration issues, puts out some excellent and informative stuff on recent cases.
For Criminal Immigration Matters
Norton Tooby. ( Mr. Tooby is a nationally recognized expert on criminal immigration issues and while he offers a premium paid service, there is some valuable free information on his site.
National Immigration Project. ( The site has an excellent Practice Advisories and Publications Section for lawyers and the general public.
Washington Defender Association-immigration project. (
Best Immigration Blogs
There is a plethora of immigration related blogs out there, including our own. I regularly like to read the following for their interesting opinions.
Cyrus Mehta writes the Insightful Immigration Blog at Scholarly and truly insightful.
3rd Circuit Immigration Blog. ( Cutting edge analysis of important decisions out of the 3rd Circuit.
Border Immigration Lawyer. ( Focuses on immigration issues encountered at the border. Lot of good information on entry issues and problems.
Sheela Murthy’s blog can be found on her website at Her site contains excellent information on employment-based immigration (as well as other areas).
Carl Shusterman also has an excellent blog over at his website Very comprehensive and up-to date site on all things immigration. Mr. Shusterman is one of the most prominent immigration attorneys in the nation.
These represent only a sampling of the many excellent immigration websites out there. Of course, one should never rely on information gleaned from the internet without consulting with an experienced professional, as the information on many sites is general in nature and obviously does not take into account the particular circumstances of an individual’s situation.
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